Monday, March 16, 2015

Killer Instinct Winter Brawl 9 Interviews: Bass NS

Hello, folks! I'm starting a new series of blogs where I interview top players from the FGC, with the focus on players from the Killer Instinct community. Now this first entry is an interview with Kenneth Armas aka BassNS.

Rodolfo Camarena
Ready? Ok.
Your main is Spinal, correct?

Kenneth Armas
Yes, since his release

Rodolfo Camarena

Kenneth Armas
Spinal and Riptor were my favorite characters in the original Killer Instinct

Rodolfo Camarena
Why not Glacius?

Kenneth Armas
lol he was probably my 3rd. anytime I saw an arcade machine, I'd mostly pick Glacius
at home though, i'd stick with Spinal/Riptor

Rodolfo Camarena
Okay. So you went to Winter Brawl 9 with a goal. What was your goal and did you accomplish said goal?

Kenneth Armas
I wanted to make Top 8 again, preferably in Winners. and I was determined to win my first major.
when I got there, I saw my competition, and had realized alot of my past demons were back. I wanted to prove myself.
I didnt get 1st, but I did get top 3 (first time ever) and as the tournament progressed, new goals were made, and I achieved it and more.
I finally took out both Grief and CDjr, who have beaten me in previous tournaments
PaulB strikes again, but he's definitely next.

Rodolfo Camarena
How did it feel to send CDjr, Evo Champ, into losers?

Kenneth Armas
At first, I thought "yes, i knew i can do this" because of our first encounter at Apex. I did so well, and I couldn't believe it. I was determined to finish what I had started then.
When I took off my headset, and heard the crowd chant my name, and saw how much bigger the crowd got, it made me realize that I was part of the hype. I was doing my part in making KI grow.
so many emotions ran through me, while i stayed focused on my next match.

Rodolfo Camarena
So you're in Winners Finals and up against, PaulB, but got knocked down to Losers. Tell me. What was going through your mind knowing you had to face CDjr again in order to make it to Grand Finals?

Kenneth Armas
I knew it wasn't going to be free. CDjr is one to get fired up and bring on the pain. I also knew something had happened right before with Rico, so I saw it more as motivation to that fire. I was determined as well, because I wanted my runback with Paul, and wanted to eliminate CDjr completely.

Kenneth Armas
He adapted well, and so did I. But after watching the replays, I realized some stuff I could've done better in the matchup, which is fine. This is why I like watching all of my videos. I like to see what has changed, what can change, and how my opponent has grown as well.

Rodolfo Camarena
You both played very well at Winter Brawl. What's next? Final Round?

Kenneth Armas
Yes, and I'm determined to take it all.
Since NEC, I've made it to Top 8 (starting at Kombo Klash) and have made every Top 8 since then, placing higher and higher every tournament.
Winter Brawl was personally my hardest tournament, next to Evo

Rodolfo Camarena
Those are some great accomplishments and yes, Winter Brawl was pretty stacked. Shout outs to Big E and crew!
Curveball time.
Iron Galaxy said they'll give Spinal a new move, but at the cost of an existing one. Out of his ability to drain Shadow Meter, Instinct Meter, or Skeleport, which one would you sacrifice?
Oh, this new move is multi-projectiles

Kenneth Armas
If I had the choice, I'd keep Spinal as is (since I also thought S1 Spinal was perfect as he was)
but, if i really had to pick, i'd sacrifice the ability to drain Shadow Meter, and keep the rest.

Rodolfo Camarena
Okay. Now let's say, because I just thought about it and didn't consider it, that this new move ISN'T multi-projectiles, but instead his morphing enders from the original KI.

Kenneth Armas
If the morphing enders were just morphing enders (and didnt copy the effects of the enders in the current KI) and i was forced to remove an ability, i'd still remove Shadow Meter drainage.
if Spinal were to morph into said character, AND utilize the ability of the ender, that'd be insane. (IE Thunder's battery ender)

Rodolfo Camarena
Same answer?

Kenneth Armas
interesting question though, because that's literally the only thing I miss about current Spinal vs Classic Spinal

Rodolfo Camarena
Okay, while you think about that, here's another question. In your opinion, who's the best character in the game currently and the worst character?

Kenneth Armas
best is Fulgore. worst is probably Aganos at this point. he is new, yes, but I've put some time into him, and many multi hitting characters will give him trouble.
I do think he will be a great counter to Spinal. Chunks completely shift momentum.

Rodolfo Camarena
Lightning round, not thinking, just answer. ready?

Kenneth Armas
here we go.

Rodolfo Camarena
Coke or Pepsi?

Kenneth Armas

Rodolfo Camarena
McDonald's or Burger King?

Kenneth Armas
burger king

Rodolfo Camarena
Jazz or Rock?

Kenneth Armas

Rodolfo Camarena
KI2 or KI Gold?

Kenneth Armas
KI Gold
2 i meant
never touched gold.

Rodolfo Camarena
for everyone out there. Is it Bass (as in the fish) or Bass (as in the volume)?

Kenneth Armas
Bass (my alias) is my favorite Mega Man character.
B(ass) is the way I say it. It's also a mispronunciation by Capcom of America, so I grew up saying it that way (along with many other fans)
B(ase) is the way you're supposed to say it, since his dog's name is Treble, and Mega Man is filled with musical references.

Kenneth Armas
So, I always tell everyone, they're both 100% okay with me.
But I call myself Bass (as the fish.)

Rodolfo Camarena
Awesome answer and background to your nickname!

Kenneth Armas
lol, i will post it on the page, since it'll probably clear up some confusion.

Rodolfo Camarena
Well, Bass, thank you for your time and and it's been a pleasure interviewing you. You recently just joined Twitter. Mind giving us your Twitter handle again?

Kenneth Armas
(my old gamertag was Xi Bass iX before I was recruited by NS)

Rodolfo Camarena
This concludes the interview. Thanks, bro.

Kenneth Armas
/xibassix will lead everyone to my twitter, youtube, and twitch.
and facebook as well.

Rodolfo Camarena

Kenneth Armas
thank you for everything btw. this was a surprise, and a pleasure to do. I really enjoyed the whole thing.
flattered, and very grateful. Thank you.

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