Friday, May 13, 2011

Upper-Cut Circuit Championships (UCC) – The Birth of a New SouthWest Major

What do you get when you incorporate the knowledge, experience, time, and passion from all the tournament organizers within the SouthWest, coupled with high caliber players scattered throughout the region? Why, the Upper-Cut Circuit! The Upper-Cut Circuit is a collaborative effort from tournament organizers from all over the SouthWest Region, with Texas as the focal point. For those of you who need a quick geography lesson, Texas is the second largest state in the United States and could be found between California and New York. You can Wikipedia the rest. Back to the show…

The Upper-Cut Circuit is a series of tournaments within the SouthWest that rewards top performers with points that go towards seeding. The plan is to develop a ranking system for the SouthWestern players and using that strategy, will help increase attendance at ALL tournaments in the Sout West Region. For each game involved in a UCC event, one battle point will awarded for every 8 players in the tournament. Example: SSFIV receives 64-71 entries; 1st would receive 8pts, 2nd 7pts, 3rd 6pts, etc. Keeping the ranking points closer really encourages travel as well.

The tournament directors responsible for developing this system are Jeff “pkrstdnt” Feig and Kent “focusflute” Summerour from Dallas, TX. These gentlemen run the Dallas/Ft Worth Fight Club and you can check out their facebook page here DFW Fight Club
Now what is a major without drama and hype? I call it a Magic the Gathering tournament (hey, I’m not knocking MtG because I use to play it back in the day, I’m just saying it isn’t as exciting to watch) Here are the partial results of UCC ’11 (May 6 – 7, 2011) at the Homestead Suites Ft Worth, TX. Don’t forget to check out the uploaded Finals and Grand Finals! Links after the results.

1st Toan
2nd Ginga Bishounen
3rd GW Stone
4th DRS Nashfan

1st Toi504
2nd Viet
3rd Jan
4th Flash Metroid


1st JOP
2nd FunkPanda
3rd UFO furbarduck
4th Ranmasama

Blazblue CS

1st Ginga Bishounen
2nd Jan
3rd AnimeFreak
4th DRS Nashfan

Tekken 6
1st Raybonekilla
2nd Byakko
3rd Link
4th I.C.E.

Arcana Heart 3

UFO fubarduck

Pictures from the event can be viewed here.

Videos links from the event are listed below:

Direct Feed
MvC3 Winners Finals

MvC3 Losers Finals

MvC3 Grand Finals

SSFIV Winners Finals

SSFIV Losers Finals

SSFIV Grand Finals

MK9 Winners Finals

MK9 Losers Finals

MK9 Grand Finals

Tekken 6 Winners Finals

Tekken 6 Losers Finals

Tekken 6 Grand Finals

Blazblue CS Losers Finals

Blazblue CS Winners Finals

Blazblue CS Grand Finals


MvC3 Grand Finals Part 1

MvC3 Grand Finals Part 2

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